Simply MK Q and A Transcript

Today I said I would put up the transcript for the Q and A, I added additional info into it like for example the Norwegian Prayer, The What a to do Tongue Twister and a few other sources listed from Mitchell’s long month Q and A. I would like to thank Stephanie, Mitchell, The Kummen family and all those who submitted their questions we couldn’t have done it without you. Some links are clickable to their sources so if Mitch sang a song the link is provided in the PDF.


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Mitchell Kummen Q and A Event

Mitchell Kummen Q and A Event

First off, its been amazing working on this Q and A with Mitchell and Stephanie. Every morning I would wake up at 6 a.m. get my kids ready for school, upload the video’s, then get dressed. Then before leaving to take them to school I would post the videos that were for that assigned day. I wanna thank Stephanie for all the video editing and reserach she did. She’s an awesome friend. We all worked together pretty well. Collecting the questions, choosing the winner, getting the additional info for every question we received, not including everything Mitchell has done for us. His beautiful singing, his amazing personality, things we didn’t expect. He’s been so awesome. I have to say this is the first time I actually did something like this. I wanna thank the Kummen’s for giving me this amazing opportunity to work on this with someone I admire very highly, Mitchell Kummen. It’s been a dream of mine to do something like this and Mitchell gave me that. Thank you so much Mitchell, Karen and Bruce. You are so amazing I wanna thank you for everything. I am glad I took up supporting Mitchell and before I start literally crying. Thank you for believing in me.

I am currently working on a transcript for the Q and A, it will list all the sources of everything Mitchell sang, and did including the Norwegian Prayer with translation. Thanks to Bruce and Karen for providing that. I truly had fun doing this.

Sunday is our last question, so this Sunday the 27th. Mitchell will be doing a live YouNow Chat at 2pm. You can register at YouNow and follow Mitchell at his YouNow profile. I look forward to seeing you there.


Mitchell Q and A

This week is full of surprises for our Q and A with Mitchell Kummen. I’ve put together a playlist where you can watch them all one after another so press that button and view them down below. This is week 4 and it has definitely been a journey learning more about Mitchell through all your questions.

Saturday and Sunday Q & A

Susan Andrews and Ellen Reed questions have been answered by Mitchell. Here are their questions. We’ve got another round coming up next week. Listen to more from Mitchell….. Keep asking those questions at @simplymk1 @MKummen #simplyAskMK

Tuesday Q and A

Tuesday’s Q and A with Mitchell Kummen. Stay tuned for tomorrow’s question who will be next? Also try out the tongue twister can you do it as fast as Mitchell?

Monday Q and A

Today is Monday’s Q and A with Mitchell Kummen. Stay tuned for tomorrow’s question we have lots for you to see.

Thank you so much Mitchell

In the past few days it has been an amazing experience for me to work with Mitchell. I never thought we would be that close. I admired him for all he has done in his career and to have this opportunity to actually work on this with him was just amazing. There’s a lot of love in things I do and to feel that love back well I was speechless. You see when you do something for someone in my case, I have love for the person I do things for. Like I told a friend once, “You have to have love in things you do otherwise what’s the point. You work hard and love the person you’re doing it for. That’s who I am, that’s why I work so hard.”

In December, I’ll be celebrating 16 years of doing web design and graphic design for fan sites. What started as a hobby became a passion. Time flew. Thank you everyone for helping make the Q and A a success. I’ll be collecting your questions through out the month. Thank you.

In the video, Mitchell did below is his thanks. I never expected to get that and I never expected the words he said. He’s a very dear friend and I will never forget him as long as I live.

Posted by Karen Mitchell on Tuesday, September 1, 2015